About WSPC

The Washington Square Park Conservancy is a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization working with NYC Parks and neighborhood groups to ensure that Washington Square Park continues as a diverse and historical urban green space through engaging volunteers and raising funds to help keep the park clean, safe and beautiful.

Washington Square Park is property of the City of New York and under the jurisdiction of NYC Parks.


Programs funded by the Washington Square Park Conservancy are designed to keep the park clean, safe and beautiful in three program areas:


Gardening Staff: The WSPC provides two full-time gardeners for Washington Square Park through a grant to NYC Parks. Beyond planting, pruning and upkeep, gardening staff assess the park’s horticulture, plan for future seasons and design and oversee volunteer  gardeners. In addition, gardeners manage rodents through a pesticide-free program.

Horticulture Support: Perennials, bulbs, annuals, and grass seed, WSPC purchases a variety of plants material for the park, along with fencing, tools, and other supplies.

The WSPC funds three full-time and five seasonal maintenance staff for Washington Square Park through a grant to NYC Parks. Maintenance staff remove garbage, pick-up litter, wash paved areas, remove graffiti, and clean the park’s public bathroom facilities.

Playground Associate: WSPC provides a Children’s Activities Coordinator year-round at the Park through a grant to NYC Parks. The coordinator provides general supervision and coordinated play activities at Washington Square Park and another level of safety for the play areas at the park while also supplying such play equipment as balls and jump ropes.

Parks Enforcement Patrol: WSPC provides a grant to NYC Parks for five full-time and one seasonal Parks Enforcement Patrol (PEP) officers for the Park.

Community Arts Grant Program: The WSPC Community Arts Program financially supports community organizations and local arts groups that have a history of offering free cultural programming in Washington Square Park. Grants are selected by a panel of representatives from the Conservancy and the community.

Volunteer Programs: The Conservancy supports volunteer work of all kinds for the park. We welcome enthusiastic gardeners, docents for our greeter/guide program, photographers, and those who want to pitch-in at our monthly clean-up days.

Seasonal Programming: cultural and recreational programs for all ages in the warmer months.

The Washington Square Park Conservancy is an affiliate organization of the New York City Parks Department.

Washington Square Park Conservancy By-Laws (PDF)

Washington Square Park Conservancy 2023 990 (PDF)

Washington Square Park Conservancy 2022 990 (PDF)

Washington Square Park Conservancy 2021 990 (PDF)

Washington Square Park Conservancy 2020 990 (PDF)

Washington Square Park Conservancy 2019 990 (PDF)

Board of Directors

Quinton Farrar, Chairman

Kyung Choi Bordes, President

Justine Leguizamo, Vice President

Gwen Evans, Treasurer

Mark Doerr, Secretary

Arlene Peralta-Avila

Adrian Benepe

Veronica Bulgari

Lydia Carlston

Marianne Engle

Elizabeth Ely

Douglas Evans

Conor Grimes

Daisy Prince

John Van Name

Jamie Welch

Shannon Wu

Susi Wunsch

NYC Parks Commissioner Sue Donoghue, Parks Representative

Manhattan Borough Commissioner Tricia Shimamura, Parks Representative

New York City Councilmember Carlina Rivera District 2, Ex Officio

Manhattan Community Board 2 Chair Susan Kent Ex Officio


Will Morrison, Executive Director
Read Will’s bio

Ashley Eyen, Deputy Director
Read Ashley’s bio

Grace Harman, Community Relations Director
Read Grace’s bio

Kaitlyn Yates, Programs Manager
Read Kaitlyn’s bio

Liana Huynh, Development Associate
Read Liana’s bio

Join Our Team

The Washington Square Park Conservancy (WSPC) is a nonprofit organization working with NYC Parks and neighborhood groups to ensure that Washington Square Park continues as a diverse and historic urban green space through engaging volunteers and raising funds to help keep the park clean, safe and beautiful. We are seeking enthusiastic individuals to join our team! Find out more about open positions.

Contact Us

General Inquiries: hello@washingtonsqpark.org

Press Inquiries: grace@washingtonsqpark.org

Dog Run Inquiries: dogruns@washingtonsqpark.org

PO Box 1624
Cooper Station
New York, NY 10276

Events and Film Shoots

Permits are issued by NYC Parks.

For event permits, contact NYC Parks Permit Office.  Permits require a minimum of 21 days to process.
For film shoot permits, contact the NYC Parks Film Shoot Request Page. Please give 3 days’ notice for film shoots.

Visit Us On Social Media

Facebook: Washington Square Park Conservancy
Instagram: @wspconservancy
Twitter: @WSPConservancy