Low Relief for High Water

– October 10 2021

The Climate Museum presents Low Relief for High Water, a sculptural installation and performance by NYC artist Gabriela Salazar on Sunday, October 10, 10am-5pm in Washington Square Park, Garibaldi Plaza.

Salazar will present a performative, interactive exploration on themes of home, vulnerability, caretaking, and collective responsibility in the face of climate change through the medium of a sculpture crafted from water-soluble paper. The artist will invite visitors to take a piece of her sculpture, cast directly from her own home, and interact with it as a surface upon which to actively contemplate their own experiences. Low Relief creates a space for convergence and exchange, reminding us of what we value and hope to preserve in this time of deep uncertainty and threat.

Adjacent programming for all ages will offer on-ramps to collective action and resolve: a climate
psychologist to address climate emotions, civic action opportunities, and multiple ways to interact
with the artwork.

Following the event, a short film made by an award-winning team about the installation will be
released for streaming in early 2022, and those who RSVP will receive notice of its release date.

The event is open to the public. Vaccinations and masks are required.

Free event, open to the public
Sunday, October 10, 10AM-5PM, ongoing throughout the day
Washington Square Park, Garibaldi Plaza, New York City

RSVP: https://climatemuseum.org/low-relief-for-high-water

