WSPC Arts Grants

Applications for the 2025 Washington Square Park Conservancy Arts Grants are open!

Grant Guidelines and Application Instructions 

The Washington Square Park Conservancy is the 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization working with NYC Parks and neighborhood groups to ensure that Washington Square Park continues as a diverse and historical urban green space through public programming, volunteer engagement, and raising funds to help keep the park clean, safe and beautiful. During the warmer months, the Washington Square Park Conservancy offers a slate of free public programming from fitness classes to teaching artist residencies. These programs are designed to engage the community and provide recreational and arts aligned programming at no cost. 

The Washington Square Park Conservancy (WSPC) Community Arts Grants program financially assists community organizations in carrying out arts programming activities in Washington Square Park. The WSPC Arts Grant program is now in its eleventh year, and to date has awarded nearly $100,000 to community arts organizations. Past awards have ranged from $500-$2,000 per recipient. Applications are due February 28 and applicants will be notified if they are awarded funding in April 2025. Grant funds will be distributed upon completion of the in-park public program. 

Qualifying Events Must: 

  • Take place in Washington Square Park, NYC, during the 2025 calendar year.
  • Be free and open to the public.
  • Offer quality music, theater, literature, film or other arts programming.
  • In order to be considered for funding, applicants MUST first fill out an application for a Special Event Permit from NYC Parks (pending approval is acceptable).

Who Can Apply: 

  • Local community-based organizations or individuals that provide arts programming.
  • Applicants must have 501c3 nonprofit status or a 501c3 fiscal sponsor. 
  • Past grantees and first-time applicants are welcome to apply. 

Program Criteria:

  • Quality of project: clear, well-conceived, with an authentic relationship to the park and/or its vibrant history, its culture today, and appeals to its diverse constituency, and shows a commitment to diversity, inclusion, as well as creative and impactful placemaking within a public space. 
  • Community Impact: event has community support and will bring meaningful, quality arts programming to Washington Square Park.
  • Feasibility: applying organization has a proven track record of presenting this and/or other events; clear realistic budget for the event including explanation of any additional funding streams. 
  • Permit: event must adhere to NYC Parks permitting requirements, as well as rules and regulations set in place by the Parks Department. All potential programs must have obtained or applied for a NYC Parks Special Event Permit, and must include their Event ID in their application. 

WSPC encourages both community-based events with a history in Washington Square Park, as well as organizations looking to host new programs that encourage diversity in arts practices to the park to apply.

Examples of what this grant may fund: 

  • Funds to pay musicians.
  • Funds to pay actors for a theatrical performance.
  • Funds to pay administrative or technical event workers.
  • Funds for supplies/costumes.
  • Equipment rentals for performance/event.
  • Funds to market performance/event.
  • Funds to create online resources.

Funds may not be used for: 

  • Events that promote a commercial product.
  • Artist/musician travel/accommodations in-out of New York City.
  • Capital funds (ie, instrument/equipment purchase).
  • Fundraising.
  • Administrative costs not related to the project such as catering.

Program Narrative Description: This letter should be written in a manner that celebrates your organization’s commitment to community-minded diverse arts practices. Think of this letter as a way to create a meaningful and concise narrative detailing why your planned project is well-suited as a public program at Washington Square Park. Program narratives should be no longer than two pages and include: 

  • Description of event.
  • History of event in Washington Square Park, relationship to Washington Square Park, or cultural connection to Washington Square Park.
  • Description of event budget and how grant funds will be used, in addition to a comprehensive comparison to a standard programmatic project coordinated by your organization.
  • If applicable, elaboration on any unusual expenses that may occur (it is not necessary to include numbers in letters of intent as they should be listed in project budget). 
  • Past Grantees only: a short description (one paragraph, 150 words or less) of previous program which received a WSPC Arts Grant. 

Selection Committee

The selection committee will be comprised of members of the Washington Square Park Conservancy board of directors, Manhattan Community Board 2 members, and Greenwich Village community organization members.

Grants Timeline

January 22nd, 2025 Grant program announced

February 25th, 2025 Deadline for questions about application

February 28th, 2025 Applications due by midnight

April, 2025 Grantees notified


Applicants must fill out this form in order to be considered. Any questions about the application process, required documents, or general inquiries may be sent to Kaitlyn Yates, Programs Manager, at