Announcing Arts Programming Mini-Grants
The Washington Square Park Conservancy announces mini-grants for community organizations to carry out arts programming activities in Washington Square Park. Full guidelines below.
Grants will be up to $500 per event.
Qualifying events must:
- Take place in Washington Square Park, NYC
- Take place in one day
- Be granted a Special Event Permit from the NYC Parks Department
- Be free and open to the public
- Offer music, theater or another contribution to the park
- Preference will be given to community-based events with an annual history in WSP
Who Can Apply:
- Local community-based organizations or individuals that provide arts programming.
- Applicants must have 501c3 non-profit status or a 501c3 fiscal sponsor.
Program Criteria:
- Quality of Project: clear, well-conceived, with an authentic relationship to the park and Greenwich Village
- Community Impact: event plan describes meaningful effort to create quality programming for Washington Square Park
- Feasibility: applicant organization has a proven track record of presenting this and/or other events; evidence of community support; clear realistic budget for their event.
Examples include:
- Funds to pay musicians for musical performance
- Funds to pay actors for a theatrical performance
- Funds for supplies/costumes/etc for an arts-based event
- Equipment rentals for performance
Funds may not be used for:
- Events that promote a commercial product
- Artists’/musicians’ travel
- Instrument purchase
- Multi-day events
- Fundraising
- Administrative costs not related to the project such as websites, food
Selection Committee
The selection committee will comprise of members of the Washington Square Park Conservancy board of directors, Community Board 2 Parks Committee, NYC Parks and Recreation staff, and Greenwich Village community members.
Submit a letter of intent (no longer than two pages) that includes the following information:
- Description of event
- Description of event budget and how the grant funds will be used
- Approximate number of attendees for event
- History of event at WSP
- Date that NYC Parks permit was applied for/received (if received)
Provide two letters of support for your event.
At least one of the letters must be from a Greenwich Village resident or community organization.
Submit your application as a PDF to this email address by 6pm on Friday, March 18, 2016.
Applications received after this time will not be considered. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Inquiries regarding the program may be submitted via email before March 12, 2016. We cannot guarantee a response to an inquiry submitted after that date. Ask early!
February 18, 2016 Grant program announced
March 18, 2016 Applications due by email by 6pm
April 4, 2016 Recipients announced
September 2016 Funds distributed
All projects must take place in Washington Square Park during the calendar year 2016.