Volunteer Spotlight: Weeder
It’s not easy to find a place in New York City to get down in the dirt, but Washington Square Park is full of it. The Park’s rolling lawns, vibrant flower beds, and towering trees are lovingly maintained by the horticulture crew, along with help from a dedicated group of volunteers called Wednesday Weeders.
Rob inherited his green thumb from his great grandparents, but he used to have to leave Manhattan to find an outlet for his skills. That is until a friend’s sister mentioned that she volunteered in Washington Square Park. And so a committed Wednesday Weeder was born.
Now Rob spends two Wednesday mornings every month (April-December) working elbow to elbow with the Park’s horticulture team. “Gardening like this, on this scale in this style, it’s an art form.
Getting the flowers and different plants to flow together in a swath, it’s like painting.” He loves learning about the plants and has picked up some great gardening tricks and tips along the way. As an added and unexpected bonus, Rob finds that volunteering helps keep him in shape. “I wear a Fitbit, and workout at the gym and also play a lot of tennis. But, surprise, I burn more calories gardening than at the gym or on the court.”
To learn more about how to become a Wednesday Weeder volunteer like Rob, click here. We ask Weeders to volunteer 6 hours each month and participate in an orientation, which will be held on April 3rd and 10th from 10am-12pm. Email volunteer@washingtonsquareparkconservancy.org for information on how to sign up.